The Service of Thought. The First Decade of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow
The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, ecclesiastical university education, “service of thought”Abstract
The paper shows how “the service of thought” (using an expression of John Paul II) has been performed at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow during last ten years. This paper presents the main cyclical scientific events, such as conferences and symposia, as well as signs of growth of the unique pontifical university in Central and Eastern Europe. For example the “Krakow methodological conferences” are of particular interest, because the discovery of an appropriate method ensures success in the search for truth.
a. Printed sources
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b. Websites
John Paul II, Meeting with the Rectors of the Polish Universities. Address, no. 3, Collegiate Church of Saint Ann (8 June 1997), (July 22, 2019). (August 23, 2019). (1.08.2019). (August 26, 2019). (August 26, 2019). (August 29, 2019). (August 30, 2019). (August 30, 2019). (August 30, 2019). (August 30, 2019). (August 31, 2019). (August 31, 2019). (August 31, 2019). (August 31, 2019). (August 31, 2019). (August 31, 2019). (August 31, 2019). (August 31, 2019). (August 31, 2019). (August 31, 2019). (August 31, 2019). (August 31, 2019). (August 31, 2019). (August 31, 2019). (August 31, 2019). (August 31, 2019).
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