Professional Advancement of RE Teachers in the Context of the Challenges of the Information Society


  • Beata Bilicka Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland



Information society, RE teacher, advancement of teachers


In the first years of political transformation in Poland starting in 1989, one of the crucial issues was the reform of education, including changes in the procedure of professional advancement for teachers. At that time, it was also important for the Catholic Church to restore Religious Education in schools, which returned to the state education system in the 1990–1991 school year. Since then, RE teachers have had the same rights and obligations as teachers of compulsory subjects and undergone the same professional advancement procedure. Twenty years have passed since the new procedure of career progression for teachers was introduced in Poland. Therefore the author of the article attempts to answer the following questions: To what extent does the procedure meet the challenges of the information society and in what direction should it evolve due to the rapid development of information and communication technology in the world?


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