The Fifth Gospel in the Context of the Way of St. James


  • Maciej Ostrowski The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Poland
  • Anna Wiater-Kawecka The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Poland



The Fifth Gospel, Holy Land, theology of space, anthropology of pilgrimage, pastoral care of pilgrims, The Route of St. James


What is referred to as the Fifth Gospel is the tangible and intangible memorabilia from the area of the present-day Holy Land. The buildings, landscape, nature, social atmosphere and customs cultivated till this very day allow to have a better understanding of the inspired biblical texts. The authors prove this thesis to be valid. They show that although it is mainly used in the pastoral care of pilgrims, it is not devoid of theological foundations. People experience faith also in a physical manner. Sensual experiences associated with the stay in the Holy Land make it easier to grasp spiritual matters and to reinforce faith. The article illustrates the issue in question with a few practical examples. The closing paragraphs formulate pastoral postulates. They show how the experience of visiting the land of biblical events can be used in the pastoral care of pilgrims more effectively.


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