An axiological approach to the problem of sexual education
Human freedom, love, sexuality, John Paul II, WHO “Standards for Sexuality Education in Europa”Abstract
Among all sorts of technological and cultural breakthroughs affecting our civilisation which we have witnessed over the last few decades, the changes regarding the most intimate spheres of human nature, those of sexuality, may have passed unnoticed. A series of changes in social norms triggered after 1968 resulted in a situation which, as far as sexuality is concerned, can be described as a real „controversy over human existence”.
This paper will briefly outline some of the characteristics of the social changes that have occurred over the past fifty years and which have had a significant impact on the understanding of the nature of sexuality. Then, two apparently competing visions of man, the traditional and the modernist will be compared. As far as the traditional concept is concerned, reference will be made to the teachings of John Paul II. The modernist approach will be illustrated based on the „Standards for Sexuality Education in Europa” formulated by the World Health Organisation. The objective is not to settle the dispute, but to try and highlight its substance as well as the consequences arising from adopting one or the other of the proposed approaches.
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