Crisis Communication in the Context of Child and Youth Protection – Diagnosis, Problems, Challenges. The Case of the Catholic Church in Poland
crisis communication, PR, child and youth protection, paedophilia, Catholic Church, PolandAbstract
Crisis management principles that have been in place and proven for decades by commercial companies and corporations, tested at great expense, apply equally to all non-commercial entities, governmental, religious, political, as well as to individuals. There is no deviation from them, as crises in today’s world are determined by the media, not the entity or institution itself. Every crisis can become an opportunity for change, strengthening, improvement, purification and even victory. The condition is a professional approach to the problem. A crisis can also be the beginning of the end, a failure. The biggest enemy of success in this situation is lack of knowledge how to act properly, mistakes in communication and management of resources. However, avoiding responsibility, hiding facts, manipulating information, being too quick and inconsiderate, resorting to falsehood, hypocrisy, and calculated behaviour will not facilitate success either. The article will analyse the institutional actions of the Catholic Church in Poland for the protection of children and adolescents in the context of the classical principles of crisis management applied in a crisis.
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