The vision of a united Europe and Poland’s place and role in it in the light of St. John Paul II’s teaching
Church, John Paul II, Europe, fatherland, nation, unity, community, Christianity, culture, traditionAbstract
The entire history of Europe and the awareness of a common identity formed in its course are clearly and deeply marked by Christianity and indicate a close relationship between the Church and Europe. Both in the West and in the East, the Church desires to contribute to the European Union. It feels responsible for the shape of the Old Continent and is convinced that it can also make an important contribution to the establishment of new institutional forms.
In the age of pluralism and respect for all religious beliefs it is unacceptable that a tendency to discriminate against any religion should come to the fore. Since the European Union engages in dialogue with political parties, trade unions and representatives of various religions, it would be incomprehensible if the same attitude was not displayed towards Christianity.
Above all, one must not ignore the transcendent dimension possessed by each human being. Indifference to this dimension may lead to tragic consequences and the European continent has seen plenty of those painful examples throughout its history. From the beginning of his pontificate, John Paul II expressed a great interest in European affairs. He showed Europeans a vision of unity in diversity, creative fidelity to Christian origins, in freedom, truth and solidarity.
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