The Anthropological Crisis of the XXI Century: The Expression and the Church’s Response to Its Forms in Catholic Schools




anthropological crisis, the expression and the Church’s Response, anthropological crisis forms in Catholic Schools


Research problem: in the XXI century the values of the consumer society are not only underestimated by human spiritual needs, but also by the person and his religious dimensions. There is a need for the Church to respond to the various forms of anthropological crisis (AC), especially in Catholic schools (CS), to help educators understand the expression of the existing AC by recognizing it and  by being prepared to have a response, hence conveying it to the younger generation. This research, which have not been discussed on the theoretical level, will help define AC (there are many different descriptions of this phenomenon, but there is no unified  definition), presenting its expression and formulating the Church’s response to forms of AC in CS. The role of the educator is becoming very important, in answering the question: How will the pupils receive the response and what position will they take in this respect through their learning in the CS? This research is important for the Catholic religious education, at least on the  theoretical level; there will be a clear expression of the AC of the XXI century and the Church’s response to its forms in an attempt to define the role of the educator in this perspective.


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