Spiritual Theology: The Contribution of Edith Stein
Spirituality, Edith Stein, mysticism, anthropology, states of lifeAbstract
The author of the article studies the spirituality of Edith Stein. He presents Edith Stein’s contribution to the methodology of spiritual theology, her anthropological and theological vision, her evolution of the religious experience, the life of prayer and call to mysticism. Edith Stein carried out research which today would be regarded as being interdisciplinary. Her reflections have a huge influence on the methodology of the theology of spirituality. The spirituality of the Cross which Stein writes about in compliance with the classic masters, nowadays may be an adjustment to the incarnational spirituality, in her overly optimistic view on the usage of creatures and taking for granted the spiritual value of suffering.
I. Sources
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Other Sources
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II. Literature
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III. Additional Literature
Bernard Ch. A., Teologia spirituale, Milano 1987.
Colosio I., Suggerimenti metodologici per ricerche storiche nel campo della spiritualitŕ, “Rivista di Ascetica e Mistica” 10 (1965), pp. 492–508.
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Salmann E., Barmherzigkeit. II. Systematisch-theologisch, in Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, vol. 2, Freiburg im Breisgau 2006, col. 15f.
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