Sulla dimensione dialogica dell’autorità. About the Dialogical Dimension of Authority




Authority, person, relationship, dialogue


The article deals with the problem of authority in the fundamental aspects of the philosophy of dialogue, which in the I-You relationship acquires a specific meaning. The dialogical plane emphasizes the tension between the subjects, showing the dynamics of the meeting as well as its specific movement and variability. The concept of Martin Buber and Józef Tischner was recalled, opening a new discourse on the fundamental role, meaning and sense of authority today. Buber says that the dialogue itself appears as relation of beings, while Tischner shows the meeting as an event in which the agathological horizon of good and evil is present, which in both concepts puts a new light on the problem of authority. Authority not only internally assumes turning “to” someone/ the Other, but also assumes being “for” someone/ the Other and towards someone/ the Other.


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