L’approccio pastorale dialogico alla luce del Sinodo. The Dialogical Pastoral Approach in the Light of the Synod
Dialogue, synod, pastoral, communication, social representationsAbstract
The study sheds light on the problem of communication in the Church and proposes a model of dialogical communication based on data analysis. It must be in harmony with the content of speculative theology, but at the same time it must meet the linguistic needs of the present time. Pope Francis, with the Synod, is channeling many changes in the right direction. Empirical analyses of media coverage of representations of the Catholic Church, provide further support for this theme. On the one hand, we have the press in Slovenia, which is saturated with news about the Church, and on the other hand, we have Radio and Television, which are undernourished. Often, the Church is presented along with celebrities, celebrations, politics and charity work. If we take into consideration the dialogical model of communication, these issues can be entry points for better and more qualitative communication.
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