Caritas in Veritate – Love and Truth an Implication of a Good Society
Love, truth, justice, societyAbstract
Love and truth are the two attributes of a well-functioning society. Unfortunately, these two basic values are often being devalued in the modern world. The reason for this is the lack of a sense of justice. Especially because in the social and cultural context the truth is often relativized. In this context it is worth analysing the Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical Caritas in Veritate , in which one should pay attention to a construction of the society in which today’s human person lives.
Love and truth are the two attributes of a good society in with each human is equipped. From the very beginning, the human person is called to be directed by love and truth. He or she is called to this truth by his or her Christian life and ontic dimension of his or her nature. Society without love and truth will be threatened with agony, because it will not only stop developing but also its wrongly understood economical status will become a road to nowhere. That is why we should definitely accept the thesis that homo economicus must convert into homo religiosus in the name of love and truth, so that society will be good. Let love in truth leads to a good society, which the whole world is for us.
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