Parents Catechesis: for Children, Family or for Adults?
parents catechesis, adulthood, Church DocumentsAbstract
The Author of article provides an important information about parent catechesis from Catholic perspective. He reminds the basis of parent catechesis, beginning with the historical importance and explanations contained in the Church Documents: “Parents are the primary educators in the faith. Together with them, especially in certain cultures, all members of the family play an active part in the education of the younger members’ (General Directory for Catechesis255). If parents are the most important persons of the education of children in the faith, they need to be well prepared for fulfilling their mission that includes especially treating catechesis as lifelong process, the learning of Christian doctrine andmethods of family catechesis, permanent formation of mothers and fathers into the fullness of Christian life. The conclusion presents main challenges and advocates an intensification of catechetical activity in our times.
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