John Paul II and Bishops’ Conferences: Communion and Collegiality


  • Alejandro W. Bunge Tribunal of the Roman Rota, Prelate Auditor



The Bishops’ Conferences, bishops collegiality, ecclesial communion, John Paul II


John Paul II has presented the Bishops’ Conference both in his large teaching about bishop’s ministry and his legislative role. In his genuine teaching about that, Pope using precise theological and legal terms, strengthen the theological and juridical nature of the Bishops’ Conferences. In this article a detailed analysis is made of the first fifteen years of teaching of the Pope John Paul II about the Episcopal Conferences communion and collegiality. The main sources of this paper are Apostolic Letter Apostolos Suos, that clarifies the theological and legal nature of Bishops’ Conferences, and Directory for the Pastoral Ministry of Bishops Apostolorum Successores, which refers to Bishops’ Conferences as instruments of communion in the Church and alive expression of bishop collegiality at the extent that it is their responsibility.


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