Theologically Inspired and Supported Patriotism as a Component of Poland’s National Security. Concept of Research and its Social Application
patriotism, theology, national security, Poland’s cultural heritage, religiously inspired pro-societal behaviours, national responsibility, research projectAbstract
The article presents a concept of research and its social application concerning the creation and modelling of theologically inspired and supported patriotic attitudes in the Polish historical and security-related context. It concerns patriotism which, primarily, refers to Poland’s national heritage, theology, Catholic social science and national responsibility; secondly, it is directed at a sovereign economic development locally and on the international arena; thirdly, it shapes pro-societal and pro-defence attitudes; fourthly, it takes into account contemporary challenges linked with the environment, demography, migrations and “temporal challenges”. The text is classified among the papers on conceptualization of research projects in the area of security studies, social policies and political science, account being taken of the contexts and problem references to theology, history and cultural anthropology.
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