Efflorescence of Relationships in Christ – Theological Fundament and Resonating Prospect





Christ, man, encounter, relationship, principle, mutual penetration in love, Mystical Body of Christ, contemplation


The aim of the paper is to examine the potency contained in the mystery of Christ as Alpha and Omega of human history. The issue will be viewed through the prism of accidental encounters, etc. that is, those which in our earthly life have no visible importance or continuation. It is striking that our life largely consists of such contacts: thousands of people passing by every day seem to be accidental, “non-productive” and not important. Broken relationships belong to the same set as well. Thus, the real question is whether they have any deeper meaning or not. I will try to argue, by reference to spiritual theology, that life in Christ brings a real answer to this question. The apparently accidental encounters become, subsequently, relationships flourishing in Christ, on the basis that He is the one spiritual principle of all believers and the Head of the Mystical Body of the Church. In Him, our particular present encounters are purified and come into perfection to the state when they will appear as true and everlasting relationships. A man who is overlooked now turns out to be a real co-author of my eternal happiness. Although this sense will fully be realised in heaven, it can now be experienced by hope and the contemplation of the neighbour in God.


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