Impacts of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Social Problems and Poverty of the Elderly in Slovakia
Poverty of seniors, pandemic Covid-19, statistical analyses of poverty, ageingAbstract
This article analyses the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the social problems and poverty of the elderly. Quarantine measures caused increased isolation, loneliness, psychological problems and limited access to medical care, which negatively affected their physical and mental health. The demographic shift towards an aging population presents seniors with complex challenges, including the struggle to meet basic needs and live on the poverty line. These related problems, associated with a lack of attention from the environment, have a negative impact on their quality of life. In the article, we analyse the state of poverty development, based on current statistics. The current isolation, loneliness and loss of independence are intertwined with low income and the possibility of institutionalization, which has increased with the advent of the pandemic situation and the economic crisis.
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