The Directory for Catechesis and Family Catechesis in Slovenia
Family catechesis, the Directory for Catechesis, parents, SloveniaAbstract
The article’s author presents family catechesis as one of the possible forms of catechising children. The foundations of family catechesis are found in the New Directory for Catechesis where it is clearly stated that catechesis starts in the family. In Slovenia, the family catechesis was born “from the bottom-up”, at the request of a group of parents. In the beginning, it was an alternative option, but today it is considered equal to other forms of catechesis. Children and young people, who participate in this catechesis together with their parents, may receive the sacraments of first Holy Communion, Confession, and Confirmation. After ten years of experience, the results are positive and open new catechetic ways and possibilities. This is a new approach, a new method, for which the Directory for Catechesis says: “Catechesis does not have a single method, but is open to evaluating different methods, engaging in pedagogy and didactics and allowing itself to be guided by the Gospel necessary for recognizing the truth of human nature” (Directory for Catechesis no. 195).
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