Seliger Johannes Paul II. Sohn Polens und Vater des Vereinigten Europas


  • Robert Biel The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, Poland



Pope John Paul II, communism, history, Church in Poland


Pope John Pauls II is the most famous person in Polish history. He has been acclaimed as one of the most infl uential leaders of the 20th century. It is widely accepted that he was important in ending communism in Poland and eventually all of Europe. He also helped Poland to enter European Union. After his death the Church in Poland feels like an orphan, but sees chances in the heritage, which John Paul II left for the Church in his own Homeland.


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Roß J., Der Papst Johannes Paul II. - Drama und Geheimnis, Berlin 2000.

Springer L., Erneuere das Angesicht der Erde. Seine schönsten Bilder, seine stärksten Worte Papst Johannes Paul II., München 2011.

Szulc T., Papst Johannes Paul II. Die Biographie, Stuttgart 1996.

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