L’attualit della dottrina cristologica di Calcedonia
https://doi.org/10.15633/pch.838Słowa kluczowe:
Chalcedon Council, chrystology, soteriology, apophatismAbstrakt
The Christological doctrine defined during the Chalcedon Council (451) was the point of reference to consolidate the Christian doctrine in the fifth century. It also became the foundation of the evangelizing mission led by the Church in the following centuries. In the context of the new challenges and interpretation a question, whether the Chalcedon doctrine needs to be reinterpreted, arises. This article tries to show the relevance of the Christological dogma which was defined by the Chalcedon Council. The attention is paid to this dogma rooted in the Church Tradition and also to its soteriological and anthropological meaning. The soteriological perspective, which was given the utmost importance during the Chalcedon Council and similarly during other councils held in the first millennium, proves the doctrinal relevance of the dogma and furthermore makes it more meaningful. From the hermeneutic point of view this article presents the need of referring to the principle of theological apophatism in order to interpret the dogma correctly.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2015 Janusz Królikowski

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