The Eucharist and Freedom: Recalling the Impact of the Magisterium of Pope John Paul II at the International Eucharistic Congress at Wrocław (1997)
John Paul II, Wrocław, International Eucharistic Congresses, Eucharist, freedom, school of freedom, Christian social teachingAbstract
The article treats the lasting relevance of the Magisterium of Blessed John Paul II during the Forty-sixth International Eucharistic Congress, held in the important Polish city of Wrocław, in 1997. The article highlights the originality of the theme of the Congress, namely, the important relationship binding together the celebration/adoration of the Eucharist and human freedom, while making appropriate cross-references to the same topic in other documents by the Slav Pope. Eucharistic orthopraxis is not only related to disinterested service in favour of one’s neighbour in commendable actions of diakonia, but also to the quest for freedom in the context of the respect of civil and social liberties and the exercise of religious freedom.
John Paul II, Encyclical Letter for the 20th Anniversary of “Populorum Progressio” Sollicitudo Rei Socialis (30 December 1987); English trans. On Social Concerns, Vatican City 1988, Libreria Editrice Vaticana.
John Paul II, Encyclical Letter regarding certain Fundamental Questions of the Moral Teaching of the Church Veritatis Splendor (6 August 1993); English trans. The Splendour of Truth Shines, Vatican City 1993, Libreria Editrice Vaticana.
Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses, The Eucharist and Freedom (16 May 1995), “Notitiae” 32 (1996), p. 722-755.
Power D., The Song of the Lord in an Alien Land, “Concilium” 92 (1974), p. 85-106. Weigel G., Witness to Hope. The Biography of Pope John Paul II, New York 1999, Cliff Street Books.
Weigel G., The End and the Beginning. Pope John Paul II – The Victory of Freedom, the Last Years, the Legacy, New York 2010, Image Books.
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