Los «ministerios laicales» y la colaboración de los laicos en la función pastoral
Ministry, ministries of the laity, sacred ministries, pastoral ministry, ministerial substitution, laity, collaboration, remuneration, Liturgical NormsAbstract
The activity of the laity in aid of or substitution for the ministry of the clergy has become increasingly common in the Church. Citing various factual explanations, this article shows the growth of lay ministry from the 1950’s up until today. The doctrinal and normative determinations which the Hierarchy has made, since 1983, have established more precise and effective guidelines for these ministerial tasks. The author summarizes the most important normative documents on this subject, in particular, the Instr. Ecclesiae de mysterio. This text raises a variety of practical issues, including the duty of giving the ministerial works of the laity an adequate financial remuneration. Finally, it offers guidelines for the effective development of lay collaboration in the pastoral ministry.
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