Edith Stein – “Great Daughter of Israel and Carmel”, Searching for the Truth Every Day
Truth, God, Love, Cross, Daughter of Israel, CarmelAbstract
Edith Stein was born in a traditional religious Jewish family. In her youth, she stopped praying and lost her faith in God. She was, however, very faithful in searching for the truth, which had become her life's passion. First, the article presents various definitions of truth. Then it deals with phenomenological methods of discovering the truth about man, which were characteristic of Edith Stein. Finally, it shows her discovery of the God of Love, who pulled her towards mystical union in the spirituality of Carmel. St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) died in the concentration camp at Auschwitz experiencing the mystery of the Cross of Christ and sacrificing herself for her nation.
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