The Family – a Relic of the Past or the Foundation for the Future?


  • Zbigniew Waleszczuk Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, Germany



Family, support, crisis, solidarity, future, John Paul II


This article is a description of the current situation of the family from a Christian perspective and is divided into three chapters according to the method of the catholic social teaching: see judge, act. In the first part, a analysis of reality is presented, that is a sociological view of the situation of the family in the European countries. The outline of the situation of the family is shown in three dimensions (socio-cultural, political and economic). The second part briefly treats the Catholic teaching on the family, especially their social significance according to John Paul II.. The third part formulates practical conclusions to the question of what we can and should do to promote the family. It is the aim of Christian social ethics – as an instrument of evangelization - to draw adequate conclusions resulting in effective actions of Christians. It is about building bridges between theology and the challenges of the present. Without a doubt, the family is not just a relic of the past, as it was provocatively formulated in the title, but it is, and will continue to be, the foundation of the future.


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