Il metodo Freedom Writers: Aiutare gli adolescenti a scrivere di sè e celebrare il cambiamento


  • Giuseppe Cursio Salesian Pontifical University – Rome


Słowa kluczowe:

write, autobiography, availability, diary, to change the future, hope, motivation


This article presents the experience of a teacher – Erin Gruwell – an English literature teacher at a school in Long Beach, Los Angeles (California). The teacher, proposing in school writing a personal diary at school, created significant conditions for change for the students. The educational experiences offered by Erin Gruwell spurred the motivation to write diaries. Doing this has opened up a reflective space on their hard life: the students have begun to think about a future of hope. Of particular significance was the experience of „Toast for Change”, which marked a new beginning in the lives of these students.


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