Spécificité pastorale de la personnalité de Jean-Paul II selon Jean-Marie Lustiger
https://doi.org/10.15633/pch.831Słowa kluczowe:
John Paul II, Jean-Marie Lustiger, pastor, pastoral attitudes, pastoral methodsAbstrakt
Jean-Marie Lustiger admired John Paul II and he was devoted to him. They both had similar origin. The Cardinal of Paris often accompanied the pope in his pastoral visits. He perceived John Paul II as the man of Providence. He was convinced that God had prepared him to this role. Jean-Marie Lustiger emphasized the attitudes of John Paul II that attracted the attention and admiration of observers. For instance: pray, holiness, attentive pastor and good relation with young people. Jean-Marie Lustiger as an attentive observer also focused his attention on the pastoral methods of John Paul II. In his utterances he often perceived the following methods: each person was important, defense of person’s dignity, the ability to speak with each man, modern language, importance of the pastoral visits and sui generis spiritual pedagogic. Jean-Marie Lustiger noticed radical change of perspective in preaching and in pastoral action of John Paul II. According to him the pope perceived the challenges of the modern times, evaluated needs of the humanity and gave the appropriate answers. For these he did not choose politics, sociology or even anthropology as a reflection but addressed to the hurt human who was redeem by Jesus Christ.
Jean-Marie Lustiger, témoin de Jean-Paul II. Articles, conférences, entretiens, homélie 1980-2007, Paris 2011, édition Parole et Silence, Communio.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2015 Ryszard Biernat
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