Violent Computer Games Pose a Challenge to Education Today
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
violent computer games, violence, imagination, intelligences, sensitivity, emotional education, moral educationAbstrakt
Violent computer games are becoming an increasingly common phenomenon of leisure activities among children and the young. Most researchers and practical educators consider them a dangerous phenomenon that encourages violence in everyday life. A kind of cyclic round goes from children who, due to a lack of sensitive communication, quickly feel certain tensions and quench them by resorting to media violence where computer games take the lead in the modern environment. Educators suggest the creation of situations where children and adolescents can speak out and express their pain in different ways. An in-depth expression of children’s and adolescents’ experiences does not only change their feelings, but extends to the changes at the level of neurobiological functioning. Adults, especially parents, help children mostly in overcoming violence if, in sensitive communication, they radiate happiness with their own lives and the ability to solve problems and give signs of unconditional acceptance and love. In such communication, children and young people re-experience their parents and other educators as strong personalities and moral authorities whom they love and respect.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2015 Stanko Gerjolj

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