Maria – Mutter der Hoffnung und des Trostes. Der spezifische Beitrag der Ordensperson im Dienst des Evangeliums der Hoffnung


  • Zdzisław J. Kijas Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie


Słowa kluczowe:

Fear, hope, time of trial, Mary, a religious person, anxiety, role model, faith, patience


When we ask about the specific contribution of consecrated persons in the service of the Gospel of hope, we reply that it can be essentially summed up by three behaviors. Firstly, when we talk about hope, it means that we are experiencing some form of anxiety, possibly fear of distress. It is necessary, therefore, to look at fear from the perspective of Christian hope, which overcomes the fear, distances and eliminates any distress. Secondly, when we try to decipher the time of trials in its fullest sense, both spiritual as well as existential experience, familial or communal, we understand it as another way of experiencing hope. Thirdly, He gives strength in the holy anxiety about the things of the Lord, in order to realize what he is calling one to do. He will give the strength to follow this road and arrive at the goal of one’s journey.





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