Frontalne i całopostaciowe wizerunki Chrystusa na ikonach bizantyńskich i ruskich. Schemat ikonograficzny
The article describes the icons, where Christ is presented in the whole form and in frontal pose. On icons: “The Transfiguration”, “Ascension”, “Descent in to the Abyss”, “Saviour in Majesty” comes in many forms. In the “Descent into hell” in addition to our first parents there are also angels, prophets, demons and Satan. Pantocrator is presented in the Majesty in the midst of the heavenly powers in a row and on the sides deesis accompanied by Mother of God and John the Baptist who intercede for the people.
On these ideas Saviour stands or sits on the throne, which emphasizes His majesty. Christ did not kneeling or profile, or turns his back to the person standing before the image. It is important that the Byzantine-Ruthenian icons are common features such as static characters, serious and dignified face.
Prawa autorskie (c) 2012 Olga Cyrek

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