The procurer of an abortion: a comment relating to the debate on the delict specified in canon 1398 CIC


  • Piotr Skonieczny OP Uniwersytet Papieski św. Tomasza z Akwinu Angelicum, Rzym



abortion, can. 1329, can. 1398


This article is a short comment on abortion as understood canonically in the Latin Code, with some references to Polish cases. The Author presents canon 1398 (with its 1988 authentic interpretation) in the light of can. 1329, and then draws attention to its incompatibility that needs to be corrected. He criticises the term “abortus”, that is to be discarded in a modified (future) canon 1398. The same criticism can be applied to the notion of a necessary accomplice in canon 1329 § 2, that should also be removed from the Latin penal law. A future canon 1398 needs to be harmonised with the modified canon 1329.


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