Process dates in the context of the cannons reform made by Pope Francis concerning cases of marriage nullity


  • Tomasz Rozkrut Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



matrimonial process, the process reform, shortening, dates, simplification


The 2015 Pope Francis’s process reform concerns simplification and shortening of canonical adjudication on the nullity of marriage by the Church Courts. Obviously, this state does not mean that the aforementioned reform forgets about the important attribute of marriage, i.e. its indissolubility; to the contrary, in his pastoral report on judicial power every diocese bishop should ensure that in this delicate matter there will not have place any reform of laxism.

Thus, current adjudication of marriage nullity cannot lose the truth about the contested marriage. Because every judgement given by a judge must be based on moral certainty that is a foundation of every fair judgement, as it has been and is highlighted in the Magisterium of the Roman Bishops.

The analysed fragment of the current reform of the process canon law clearly brings attention to the fact that dates should be carefully and accurately observed in the marriage nullity process. Here, in some cases, it may be possible that there will have to be made a change in mentality concerning application of the process law. Therefore, it is worth to invoke a known aphorism that teaches that a delayed justice is a negated justice (Montesquieu).

Although, the Pope Francis’s process reform was made due to pastoral motifs, it has decisively influenced the marriage nullification adjudication canonical process in terms of its simplification and shortening. However, it should motivate the Church judiciary employees to be faithful in respecting the new law in the perspective of a common good. Moreover, in the perspective of accurate observance of the process dates, it should also motivate all the Church courts employees to mutual cooperation, so that the current Church process is closer to the believers, as this was one of the foundations of its reform.



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