Kim jest proboszcz zakonny? O relacji między przełożonym zakonnym a proboszczem w parafii powierzonej instytutowi zakonnemu


  • Piotr Skonieczny Uniwersytet Papieski św. Tomasza z Akwinu Angelicum, Rzym


Parole chiave:

religious pastor, religious parish, local Superior, canon law, parish


This article presents the problematic concerning the relationship between the local Superior and the religious pastor in a parish entrusted to a religious institute, when these offices are not held by the same person. The Author presents briefly a historical evaluation of the concept of the religious parish, i.e. the movement from the beneficium to the communitas. According to the Author there are 3 principles organising this commitment: the salvation of souls, the work (opus) of the institute, and the principle of conserving religious identity. Following these principles, the Author expresses his opinion regarding the limitation of the religious pastor as “pastor proprius paroeciae”, and emphasises the fact that the religious pastor is first of all a religious, without any special rights in the religious community. Lastly, according to the Author, it would be better for religious life to use the canonical office of moderator rather than that of the pastor (cf can. 517, 1983 CIC 1983).

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