Odnowa życia zakonnego w świetle Soboru Watykańskiego II i w nauczaniu magisterium Kościoła
Discussion Document on the Church’s renewal of religious life in the light of Vatican II and the teaching of the Magisterium of the Church.
The article presents renewal of religious life in the light of the Vatican II and in the teaching of the Magisterium of the Church. An important consideration was paid to the decree on the adaptation and renewal of religious life Perfectae Caritatis, which deals directly with the religious life. Also, reference was made to the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium, with particular emphasis on the fifth and sixth chapter, and to the teaching of the post-conciliar Magisterium of the Church on religious life.
Through their teaching the popes and Vatican congregations unfolded the message of the Vatican II and re-ignited enthusiasm in making reflection on the renewal of religious life, which is constantly in progress. Various efforts were made to present this issue from different perspective. There is no doubt that there are two important issues concerning the renewal of religious life that appear in almost every document. I mean a contemplative dimension of religious life that should be in the center of every monk and nun life, and a return to the spring, the charism of the founder and the institute, which will help to face the signs of time and undertake new challenges. These two realities seem to be simple and straightforward, but in fact they required from the religious institutes a great deal of openness and fair cooperation.
The post-conciliar vision of theology of religious life is different from the one presented before the Council. Currently it is based on the newly developed Christology, pneumatology and especially the renewed post-conciliar ecclesiology. This is reflected in many documents, most important of them were presented in this text. As you might notice a contemporary theology of religious life revolves around the following themes: the religious life as a gift to the Church and the world, religious consecration, radicalism in the imitation of Christ, the charismatic dimension of religious life, the contemplative dimension of religious life, prophetic presence in the world, witness to communion with God and man. Careful study of the documents presented here will help the religious people to understand better and love even more the mystery of vocation, the mystery of religious life.
Prawa autorskie (c) 2012 Piotr Jamioł
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