Gréckokatolícki mučeníci z obdobia neslobody 1939–1989


  • Peter Borza Prešovská univerzita, Gréckokatolícka teologická fakulta



Pass of the twentieth century in Central Europe is marked by two totalitarian systems, which grossly restricted the freedom of people and stifled any opposition speeches. These included the free expression of religion at all levels of society. The presented study deals about the personalities of Greek Catholic Church in Central Europe, with emphasis on the territory of Czechoslovakia. These are individuals who had expressed opposition to the totalitarian regime. They also brought the greatest sacrifice of own life for bold attitude to cruel regime or were exposed to risk of death. Greek Catholic Church has declared blessed some of them after the process of investigation and thus forever entered them in the memory of the Greek Catholic Church. Among the presented figures are the bearers of the title Righteous Among the Nations, award-winning in Israel for unconditional aid to Jews during World War II, as they were risking the loss of his life and lives of family members for saving the racially and religiously persecuted. Given later, the contribution is divided into two parts, the first presents the blessed martyrs, that those who died as martyrs and the second part is devoted to individuals who risked their lives while were exposed to the death for rescuing Jews.

