David Lewis’ idea of the fictional state of affairs as a description of possible world and the problem of legal norms


  • Marek Jakubiec




possible worlds, legal norms, David Lewis


The character of norms is a relevant issue in the contemporary legal philosophy and in the metaethics. The analysis of Lewis’ sugguestions concerning the fictional statements (sentences “describing” the fiction) prima facie may seem to be useless from the perspective of law. However, the situation is different, due to the fact that it is possible to treat the legal text as the description of possible world. The issue is analyzed in the paper.

Author Biography

  • Marek Jakubiec
    Marek Jakubiec – absolwent filozofii i prawa, doktorant na Wydziale Filozoficznym Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Kra­kowie (Katedra Filozofii Przyrody). Interesuje się głównie filozofią nauki i szeroko rozumianą filozofią prawa, a także pewnymi aspektami nauk kognitywnych.


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