Epistemological problems in subcellular biology: observations, mathematical models and computer simulations


  • Andrzej Bielecki




experiment, observation, theory, model, numerical simulations, subcellular biology


Relations between theory and empirical knowledge belong to basic problems
in philosophy of science and have been undergone detailed philosophical reflection,
including epistemological aspects. During last several dozen years,
due to development of computer technology, numerical simulations became
a common tool in natural sciences. Their epistemological aspects, however,
have not worked out yet. A specific role of computer simulations manifests
in subcellular biology, where possibilities of performing experiments and observations
are limited. Computer simulation is complementary to observation
and experiment and comes into complex relations with them. It allows us to
come to a conclusion if experiment or observations are impossible to perform.
In particular, simulations allow researchers to estimate the parameters that
cannot be measured.


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