Charles Sanders Peirce’s philosophy of evolution and contemporary problems of evolutionary algorithms


  • Adam Kłóś



evolutionary algorithms, genetic algorithms, Neo-Darwinism, Charles Sanders Peirce, the theory of evolution


The article challenges the view that the Neo-Darwinian theory of evolution
is sufficient to explain the ongoing evolution. The classical evolutionary algorithms
based on that theory suffer from the loss of diversity, stagnation and
premature convergence. The author claims that the cosmetic changes of those
tools are not sufficient to overcome this situation and the change of overall theoretical
framework is required. The proposition of a semiotic theory of evolution
created by Charles Sanders Peirce is revealed as an alternative to the classical
Modern Synthesis. This alternative model of evolution is implemented in
two kinds of evolutionary algorithms: P-EA and SEAM, which simulate evolution
by virtue of cooperation and symbiosis respectively. The new approach to
algorithms constructs shows significant benefits upon classical evolutionary
algorithms in benchmark tests, which may support the original claim that the
accepted theory of evolution needs rethinking today.


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