On different meanings of analogicity in computer science


  • Paweł Stacewicz




continuous computations, analog computations, analogicity, GPAC model, Turing machine, natural computing, hypercomputations, computability


Two different types of analog computations are discussed in the paper: 1)
analog-continuous computations (performed physically upon continuous signals),
2) analog-analogical computations (performed naturally by means of so
called natural analogons of mathematical operations). They are analyzed with
regard to such questions like: a) are continuous computations physically implementable?
b) what is the actual computational power of different analog
techniques? c) can natural (empirical) computations be such reliable as digital?
d) is it possible to develop universal analog computers (assuming that they
should be functionally similar to universal Turing machine)? Presented analyses
are rather methodological than formal.


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