Searching for Sense in the Emergent Universe


  • Jakub Dziadkowiec



decoherence, emergence, God, panentheism, quantum cosmology, supervenience


The relation of emergence finds more and more application areas in philosophical and scientific researches. By displaying its sources within the current of British Emergentism and by formulating conditions for that relation, the paper analysis a validity of reference between the concept of emergence and two issues developed by contemporary physics: Copenhagen interpretation of quantum decoherence and the beginning of Universe within selected models of quantum cosmology. Complementally, an idea of emerging God that – entangled in natural world structures – confers the sense upon it, is introduced. Such an operation emphasizes a universality of emergence relation in explaining connections between consecutive levels of ontological structures.

Author Biography

  • Jakub Dziadkowiec
    Doktorant w Instytucie Filozofii Przyrody i Nauk Przyrodniczych Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II. Jego zainteresowania obejmują filozofię przyrody, filozofię i teologię procesu, stratalizm (teoria poziomów ontologicznych), emergentyzm brytyjski XX wieku, relację nauka-wiara. Członek Towarzystwa Metafizycznego im. A.N. Whiteheada z siedzibą w Katowicach.


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