Why Popper is not a crypto-inductionist


  • Zofia Sajdek




Karl Popper, David Hume, Rudolf Carnap, John Watkins, induction, verisimilitude, truthlikeness, probability, corroboration, confirmation, scepticism


The article is an attempt to answer the question whether the result of the connection between corroboration and verisimilitude is an inductive element in the Popperian methodology. For this purpose the essay collates Karl Popper’s view with David Hume’s scepticism and inductionism of Rudolf Carnap. Further on the paper analizes the compromising”(for inductionism and critical falsificationism) proposition of Evaldas Nekraˇsas. The article also contains a presentation of Imre Lakatos’ allegation of Popper’s scepticism and the accusation of inductionism as formulated by John Watkins. The study of the disputes between the philosophers leads to the conclusion that the critical views are baseless. The final hypothesis is that these are not the right ways of proving the allegations of crypto-inductionism.

Author Biography

  • Zofia Sajdek
    Doktorantka II roku filozofii UPJPII. Sekretarz redakcji periodyku Racjonalia. Z punktu widzenia humanistyki. Organizatorka corocznych ogólnopolskich konferencji „Wokół mysli Michała Hellera”. Zainteresowania obejmują w szczególnosci filozofię nauki i filozofię Boga.


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