Creationism and Intelligent Design outside the United States – Outline of the Situation


  • Justyna Figas-Skrzypulec



creationism, evolution, polls, intelligent design, Islam, education, Russia, Turkey, South Africa


Contrary to stereotypical opinions which associate creationism and Intelligent Design (ID) movement only with American protestants, the phenomena cross national and denominational boundaries. After the USA, the second most important centre of creationism is the Muslim world. The example of Turkish creationist environment is given. The presence of creationism/ID in western Europe is interpreted as an effect of presenting the false alternative between science and religion to the public and poor training in data analysis among citizens. The specific character of Russian and South African creationism is considered. The missionary activity of creationist organisations, especially in South Korea, Hong Kong and Pacific region is described. Moreover, some problems connected with polling creationism are pointed out, a number of educational and legal issues is specified and psychological/social elements of supporting creationism/ID are mentioned.

Author Biography

  • Justyna Figas-Skrzypulec
    Ukończyła religioznawstwo na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim, a obecnie realizuje studia doktoranckie na Wydziale Filozoficznym Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II i przygotowuje dysertacje na temat idei theological science w ujeciu Thomasa F. Torrance’a. Interesuje się relacjami między naukami przyrodniczymi i społecznymi a religiami, jak również współczesna teologia chrześcijańska. Prowadzi blog popularnonaukowy:


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