The media and the Catholic Church: the young people’s living environment in the teaching of John Paul II formulated in the context of the beginning of the World Youth Days


  • Wojciech Misztal Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



John Paul II, youth, mass media, messages for the World Communications Day, spirituality


On 1985, for the 19th World Communications Day, the pope John Paul II promulgated the message Social Communications for a Christian Promotion of Youth. This pontifical document echoed the initiative of the United Nations, which has proclaimed 1985 year as the International Year of Youth. But, and perhaps it is more important, not only chronologically this document coincides with such papal initiatives for young people like the origins of the World Youth Days. As for the technological development and the growing importance of the media since 1985 it accomplished very much. We are then faced with a promising prospect which creates specific conditions for the reading of the thoughts of John Paul II when it comes to the media as part of modern civilization in conjunction with the potential proper to Christianity and the mission of support for young people.


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