Declared interests of middle school students due to the choice of direction of further education


  • Ewa Jaglarz Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
  • Jacek Sikorski Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie



professional interests, career counseling, secondary school students


The article presents the results of our research on the declared interests of high school students organized by categories of interest that emerge from different professional activities. The study was conducted in middle school integration, located at the Małopolska province. The diagnostic survey was used as a research method. The proven method so­‑called card of interests was adopted in our extended study. We have found big number of pupils who declare their technical and biological interests. These indicators achieved high values, such results have been observed especially among boys. In this survey we found also a significant percentage of pupils not showing readiness to take the first career decisions. We believe that such attitudes are a clear indication to work for guidance counselors working in the third stage of education.


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