An Image of the Elderly in the Media


  • Norbert G. Pikuła Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie



seniors, image, media, society


Currently, the media have become a carrier of knowledge and information. It is through the media coverage that norms and values are formed. Cultural trends and social changes constitute an important element of the functioning of the media space. The area of interest of the mass media also covers issues related to the aging societies and a related increase in the number of the elderly. The prevailing opinions concerning seniors are to a major extent based on the image presented by the mass media. A possibility to reach a large number of recipients in a short period of time allows to generate and quickly disseminate this image among older and younger recipients. The article presents the results of an analysis of youth magazines, newspapers, Web portals, advertisements and news broadcasts in the context of the media image of the elderly. The secondary analysis of data allowed to answer the question: How are the elderly presented in the media?


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