The ethical framework of communication in threat situations


  • Michał Drożdż Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



media, journalist, threat situations, security, war correspondent, truth, responsibility


The purpose of this article is to show the role and function of the media and the tasks of journalists in the context of threats in the light of selected codes of ethics in journalism. Situations of real threats to the safety, health and life of citizens in modern societies have also been exposed in the context of selected processes of virtualization and mediation of the real world. The author of the article expresses the view that the media not only perform certain functions, but also because of their missionary nature in situations of danger, the first plan should disclose their responsibility for the security and well­‑being of their citizens. The issue of ethical communication framework in situations of danger was included by the author in the perspective of journalistic axiology.


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