Allies of salvation in the war (based on the forgotten book „Ludzie i zwierzęta” by Antonina Żabińska)


  • Marta Bolińska Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach



Warsaw, zoo, World War II, the Jews, narrative memoir, Antonina Żabińska


In the memoirs of the wartime and the post­‑war period (1939–1949) Antonina Żabińska, a wife of Jan Żabiński, the director of the Warsaw Zoological Garden in the years 1929–1950, shows the dramatic events that affected her family and friends, as well as animals from the Warsaw Zoo. Żabińska is a chronicler of the history of the occupation who employs two distinct perspectives: one of humans and another of animals. A significant part of the narrative focuses on the role of the piano and animal stalls, thanks to which many Jews were saved. In 1965, Żabińska and her husband received the title Righteous Among the Nations. In 1980, for rescuing Jews during the war, she was posthumously awarded with the Commander’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, Jan Żabiński was honored with the Commander’s Cross with Star.


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