Trust hidden in solidarity


  • Michał Drożdż Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



trust, gift, destruction of life, drama, moral standards, solidarity, values


The personal experience of trust and solidarity indicates a deep interpenetration of the content contained in these terms. The main research assumption of this article (above all axiological) is the claim that we can not talk about of solidarity in isolation from authentic trust between a person and a person. We trust only reliable people. We trust people with clear moral principles and people who recognize and profess the true values necessary to build a meaningful life. It is known that it is very difficult to give someone trust, who is morally unstable, who fails, who is not faithful to constant and universally binding moral norms. The author of the article tries to justify the thesis that the ethics of solidarity is based on the ethics of trust and that trust and solidarity are basic values in social life, constituting the basis for building a genuine community.


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