Radio Kraków as a medium of high social trust – analysis of information services


  • Klaudia Cymanow-Sosin Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



information, public media, radio, trust


The article is an attempt to evaluate one of the regional stations – Radio Kraków, in terms of the level of social trust that it enjoys in the opinion of the audience. The author, starting from the analyzes of publicly available public opinion polls, goes on to investigate on the basis of their own monitoring of live information services in this medium and the interpretation of the content on the radio page contained in the News tab. The goal is to define the principles that the medium creators pursue in the process of building external relations with potential and actual receivers of the station. Evaluating the level of quality of the information produced and the rules for their publicity allow correlation of the results of their own investigations with general tendencies, according to which the radio medium continues to enjoy the highest trust of the public, from all broadcasters in the mass communication space – from the press, through electronic media to new media.


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