Ethical discourse in the context of the media – “hide showing”, sepization, paraphrase and closed information flow


  • Maciej Kawka Uniwersytet Jagielloński



ethical discourse, media, paraphrasing, sepization, information, language, values


In axiological discussions, attention is paid to the integral and internal relationship of the natural language with values and their ubiquity as permanent components of all speech. Attempts to build a language free of all values ended in failure. However, not everything in the language is axiologically characterized in the same way, and their discovery and proper reading depends on the communication skills of the participants of the discourse and requires the use of appropriate interpretation procedures. In the media, there are texts defining order and chaos, ally and enemy, good and evil, importance and nullity of the discussed problems, which organizes the entire ethical discourse within a given culture, not only media, but above all real. This reality and we together with it and our values are then transformed into a reality and we start to live not in the circle of real values, but in the circle of values created in the virtual space of the Internet by the texts circulating in it.


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