Fear of losing Christianity in the Middle East. Remarks on extremism, genocide, mercy and youth from persecuted areas


  • Paulina Guzik Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie




Christianity, Middle East, persecution, youth, World Youth Day


Terrorist attacks in Europe and the Middle East in July 2016 spread horror and fear throughout the world. Istanbul, Baghdad, Nice, Munich, Saint Etienne-du-Rouvray – only to name the most quoted in the media. Terror organisations such as Daesh, especially in the Middle East, were and are taking a heavy toll not only on people’s lives but also on their personal and collective identity, only to mention the very recent attack on the Egiptian mosque in November 2017 leaving over 300 people dead and hundrends injured. It proves that terrorists target all religious groups, including Muslims, nevertheless Christians are among the most suffering religious groups in the region. Physical violence is a major issue for Human Rights groups, but wiping out cultures and traditions with millenary roots is not a smaller challenge for the international community. However, Middle Eastern Christians, especially those of the young generation, have not lost all hope. It is true that some of them left Iraq and Syria, but many stay, hoping for a return to their homes, universities, jobs and businesses. This study aims to show the scale of persecution on Christians in the Middle East and their current legal status, but also tries to impart ideas for preserving Christianity in the region, based on the attitude of young Middle-Eastern Christians towards the issue.


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