House of Charity im. St. Zygmunt Gorazdowski in Brzuchowice in Ukraine serving the sick and elderly


  • Adam Kulczycki Rzeszów



House of Charity im. St. Zygmunt Gorazdowski, sisters of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph, help, Polish Armor Group, News TVP Rzeszów, Przeworsk


House of Charity im. St. Zygmunt Gorazdowski in Brzuchowice in Ukraine serving the sick and elderly. House of Charity im. St. Zygmunt Gorazdowski was born in Lviv’s Higher Spiritual Seminary in Brzuchowice near Lviv, as a votive gratitude to God for the 25 years of renewal of the Church. In this home, the elderly, lone and sick, and future retirees priests are looked after. At the request of Fr. Archbishop Mieczyslaw Mokrzycki takes the Sisters of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph from the House. Polish Armaments Group offered 100 thousand. gold for the House of Mercy im. St. Zygmunt Gorazdowski. The financing provided by the Polish Armaments Group has allowed us to purchase furniture, medical and rehabilitation equipment, and other equipment. With help for the House of Charity im. St. Zygmunt Gorazdowski will write down the inhabitants of Przeworsk. The students and teachers from the Gymnasium No. 1 have come up with the idea of creating a home for the oldest, lonely and sick Poles from Lviv, who have been able to provide decent care, mainly thanks to help from Poland. The collection began after the material showing the first charges of the House of Mercy. St. Zygmunt Gorazdowski. For them, the jive-run sisters’ office has become a chance for professional medical help, 24-hour care and decent conditions that have not always been the case. It was an impulse to help. Help not only middle school students and their families, but also residents of Przeworsk. The problem of the elderly, lonely and sick is serious, because such people without help, also in the purchase of medicines, and often even food is more and more Lviv. It is estimated that Lviv Caritas people practically no means to live, and to this require professional care because of health only in Lviv is almost 300, in the neighboring towns second only.


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W-3 – Wywiad z Marią Koc, wicemarszałek Senatu RP, przeprowadzony 14 listopada 2016 roku.

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W-5 – Wywiad z wolontariuszką Domu Miłosierdzia im. św. Zygmunta Gorazdowskiego w Brzuchowicach, przeprowadzony 19 sierpnia 2017 roku.

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